GCE Reports
01 June 2022 | GCE Reports
Gender-Responsive and Disability Inclusive Education Budgeting
Gender-Responsive and Disability Inclusive Education BudgetingThis manual was developed by ActionAid, Light for the World, and the Global Campaign for Education. It draws on externally published sources, internal, organisational guidance and tools, and consultations conducted in the context of disability inclusion, gender-responsive budgeting, and universal education.
11 April 2022 | GCE Reports
Education in Emergencies Learning Community: Understanding the challenges to secure women and girls’ education.
On 24 March 2022, GCE hosted an Education in Emergencies learning community session to ‘Understanding the challenges to secure women and girls’ education’ and to engage GCE members, partners and other stakeholders around the multiple forms of exclusion, discrimination and violence that affect women and girls’ education. The EiE Learning Community shared knowledge and evidence from the Afghan Women Network (AWN), the Civil Society Action Coalition on Education For All (CSACEFA), Nigeria; and the Somali Coalition for Education.28 January 2021 | GCE Reports
How Africa Can Lead On Education In A Post COVID 19 World Report
A new report ‘One Billion Voices: How Africa can lead on education in a post COVID-19 world’ is based on a desk top review of education financing in Africa, including emerging issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic.15 November 2019 | GCE Reports
West And Central Africa Youth Consultation-Summary Report
The G7 state members, the European Union and their West and Central African partners expressed their will to know the concerns and recommendations of the young leaders in the sub-region.01 August 2019 | GCE Reports
HLPF 2019 Spotlight Reports: Looking At 2030
All around the world members of our network worked on Spotlight reports for the High Level Political Forum (HLPF) to assess the status of the Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4) on education in their countries or regions.20 June 2019 | GCE Reports
GCE Global Report 2018
The Global Campaign for Education (GCE) presented its Global report 2015-2018 during the 2018 World Assembly in Kathmandu.11 March 2019 | GCE Reports
CSEF Global Learning Event 2018 Report
The Civil Society Education Fund Global Learning event took place just before the GCE 6th World Assembly in Kathmandu, Nepal.31 August 2018 | GCE Reports
Using evidence to drive change
It is said that every dollar spent on research is worth ten spent on lobbying, and that evidence works as fuel for advocacy. During 2016 and 2017, 38 national coalitions worked on research for advocacy,...05 August 2017 | GCE Reports
The UNESCO Library For The EFA Global Monitoring Report
The UNESCO Library for the EFA Global Monitoring Report05 July 2017 | GCE Reports
Education And Academia Stakeholder Group 2017
Read the Education and Academia Stakeholder Group 2017 submission to the UN’s High-level Political Forum report on ‘Eradicating poverty and promoting prosperity'05 July 2016 | GCE Reports
Education And Academia Stakeholder Group 2016
Read the Education and Academia Stakeholder Group 2016 submission to the UN’s High-level Political Forum report on ‘Ensuring the no one is left behind29 June 2016 | GCE Reports