GCE Reports

03 June 2024 | GCE Reports

GCE Policy Briefs

The Global Campaign for Education (GCE), as a rights-based movement, will continue to advance foundational asks for a free, inclusive quality education that contributes to just, sustainable, and peaceful societies. To support the movement’s advocacy, briefing papers on key priority areas have been produced based on the GCE Strategic Plan 2023-2027. Here you will be able to access GCE's policy briefs on various issues such as Adult Learning and Education, Digital Learning, Early Childhood Education, and Education Financing, amongst others.
09 January 2024 | GCE Reports

African Civil Society Education Groups: In Search for A Place in Implementing the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA) - RESEARCH REPORT

This report was commissioned by the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) to support its members in Africa to understand how the African Union (AU) and its Regional Economic Communities (RECs) engage with the theme of education, and to identify what spaces and opportunities exist for civil society education groups in Africa to interact with those bodies in the service of more equitable and democratic public education systems on the continent.
27 July 2023 | GCE Reports

Youth Engagement Towards Achieving SDG4 Together - 2022/2023

The GCE Secretariat compiled this report to present progress, lessons, and insights from the grantees on implementing the youth-led initiatives. The grantee's interim reports were used as the primary source of information, based on the M&E deliverables, to report on the progress and results of their respective country and regional-level projects.
06 July 2023 | GCE Reports

Climate Change-Related Emergencies Impacts on Education

This Learning Brief was compiled by the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) following the webinar held on the 11th of May 2023 focusing effects of climate change-related emergencies on education. The content presented in this Learning Brief is a compilation of discussions and recommendations that were generated from the presentations made by panellists and inputs from participants. This Brief provides insights and on the ground experiences to questions of how climate-change related emergencies are affecting the right to education for all.
30 May 2023 | GCE Reports

Harnessing Education Technology as a response to COVID-19

This Learning Brief was compiled by the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) to spotlight the project work, results and lessons from Civil Society Education Coalition’s (CSEC) project entitled “Fostering Digital Education in a COVID-19 Environment”. The project was designed and implemented within the framework of the Resilience to COVID-19 through Digitalisation (RESICODI) German BACKUP Initiative to follow-up on the implementation of Education 2030 Agenda and SDG4 targets. The content presented in this learning brief was generated from the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) activities that had been set-up by the GCE Secretariat for national coalition partners to report on the progress and results of their respective country level projects. The end of project report submitted by CSEC to GCE has been the primary source of the lessons and experiences shared in this brief.
26 May 2023 | GCE Reports

Youth and Students’ Side Event at the 2023 ECOSOC Youth Forum

CE organised a Youth and Students’ Side Event at the 2023 ECOSOC Youth Forum. The event brought together the youth and students to discuss and share experiences on their advocacy and campaign work they have undertaken on education emergencies, including building resilient organisations and partnerships to accelerate the recovery of education in the post-COVID-19 era. The discussions were centred around the theme, “Accelerating the Recovery of Global Education through Youth and Students’ Organisation Post COVID-19.”
14 April 2023 | GCE Reports

International Women’s Day 2023: “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality”

This Learning Brief was compiled by the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) following the webinar held to celebrate women and shed a spotlight on the global challenges that women face in relation to the participation of women and girls in digital technology to enhance access education. It also aims to highlight the key challenges and opportunities that digital education should address for pragmatic responses to achieve gender-transformative education and, more broadly, gender equality.
27 December 2022 | GCE Reports

GCE Audited Financial Statement 2019-2021

GCE Audited Financial Statement 2019-2021
27 December 2022 | GCE Reports

Global Campaign for Education: SDG4 Spotlight Report

This report aims to provide a general overview of some of the critical challenges the world is facing to make progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 4 – SDG4 and subsequently the multiple barriers that people encounter to effectively enjoy the right to education.
08 November 2022 | GCE Reports

GCE Global Results Report 2019–2022

In preparation for the development of the 2023-2027 Strategic Plan, the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) commissioned the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) to prepare the Global Results Report for the 2019-2022 period. This report showcases the achievements, successes, challenges, and lessons learned across the GCE movement during the strategy period and proposes a set of recommendations to inform future planning.
12 October 2022 | GCE Reports

RESEARCH SEMINAR REPORT: Harnessing Education Technology as a Response to Covid-19 in 7 African Countries

This report is prepared to document and share the outcomes of the research seminar held in Johannesburg, South Africa on 27-28 September 2022 by Tendaishe Tlou, Learning Officer and Khuselwa Mxatule, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MERL) Manager of the GCE Secretariat.
25 July 2022 | GCE Reports

GCE Global Youth & Student Caucus 2022 Report

GCE Global Youth & Student Caucus 2022 Report

“It is both right and timely that GCE should create the opportunities for children and youth to engage in decision making and governance structures, not only in terms of value and legitimacy but also in terms of learning from the unique perspective they can bring to our work.” (GCE Policy Resolution 2015)

The Global Campaign for Education (GCE) is a civil society movement that aims to end exclusion in education. Education is a basic human right, and our mission is to make sure that governments act now to deliver the right of everyone to a free, quality, public education.