
17 January 2023 | Resolutions

7th GCE World Assembly Policy Resolutions

The 7th GCE World Assembly was an opportune time and space for members to discuss and adopt viable policies and mobilise concrete commitments to implement the policies aligned with the strategy. The following policies (resolutions) were adopted:
01 March 2021 | Resolutions

2021: Virtual World Assembly

2021: Virtual World Assembly
11 March 2019 | Resolutions

2018: GCE Policy Resolutions

At the 6th World Assembly, the movement adopted new resolutions to adapt and renew our policy framework.
01 January 2015 | Resolutions

2015: World Assembly Reports

The Global Campaign for Education (GCE) is the world's largest civil society movement working to realise the right to quality education for all.
05 July 2011 | Resolutions

2011: General Assembly IV (Paris)

GCE’s 4th General Assembly brought together more than 300 campaigners from GCE’s member coalitions. Hosted by the French Coalition, Solidarité Laïque, the meeting was held in Novotel Tour Eiffel Hotel, Paris, 22nd – 25th February 2011.
05 April 2004 | Resolutions

2004: General Assembly II (Johannesburg)

GCE’s second General Assembly was held in Johannesburg, South Africa, home of the GCE Headquarters, 2-4 December 2004.
05 January 2001 | Resolutions

2001: General Assembly I (Delhi)

GCE’s first General Assembly was held in Delhi, India 14-16 February 2001.

The Global Campaign for Education (GCE) is a civil society movement that aims to end exclusion in education. Education is a basic human right, and our mission is to make sure that governments act now to deliver the right of everyone to a free, quality, public education.