Position: Board Member
Constituency: The Middle East

Elsy Wakil

Elsy Wakil is the founder of the Lebanese Coalition of the Global Campaign for Education (Arab Network Popular Education) (2010 – till now). ANPE is member in the CCNGO as well.

She has taught her specialist field of Information Technology in schools and through popular education programmes and has held a number of management and administration jobs, including administrator of the WSCF Middle East Regional Office (1995-2002) and Finance and Administration Manager for Habitat for Humanity, Lebanon.

She was appointed by the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF) to the position of Executive for the Middle East & Program Director for Peace Building and Overcoming Violence. She is enthusiastic about taking up the Regional Secretary role and is ready for the challenge of bringing a Christian Arab woman’s perspective to the job for the first time.

“As the first woman to take up this position, a major challenge will be to integrate the perspective of Christian Arab women into the WSCF mission, to translate this within its work and empower other women as we work to make transformations within both the church and Arab society” she said.

The Global Campaign for Education (GCE) is a civil society movement that aims to end exclusion in education. Education is a basic human right, and our mission is to make sure that governments act now to deliver the right of everyone to a free, quality, public education.