GCE TES: Solutions Day 17 September 2022
United Nations Transforming Education Summit
TES: Solutions Day 17 September 2022
Global Campaign for Education
Title: Education Financing Observatory: setting the grounds for sustainable, fair and inclusive financing
Language: English with interpretation into Spanish
Date: 17 September 2022
Venue: UNHQ Room CR3
Time: 13:00 -14:30
Main organisers: Global Campaign for Education (GCE), UNESCO CCNGO, Government of Malawi, Government of Argentina, Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States (ABEGS)
Co-conveners: Asia South Pacific Association for Basic Education and Adult Education (ASPBAE), Arab Campaign for Education for All (ACEA), Campaña Latinoamericana por el Derecho a la Educación (CLADE), Africa Network Campaign on Education for All (ANCEFA), Europe & North America Campaign for Education (ENACE), Education International, Action Aid.
Lead-Organiser: Global Campaign for Education (GCE): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Objective of the proposed session/event and its link to the Summit and its Solutions Day objectives:
This session responds to the call for action of Action Track 5 and proposes to scale up a specific initiative on Education financing data and accountability (Action Area 3) called "Education Financing Observatory", developed by the Global Campaign for Education.
The session, which brings together diverse voices to discuss alternative pathways for more sustainable, fair and inclusive financing, is a key platform to broaden the scope and understanding of effective domestic accountability systems around national budgeting and international cooperation. It is also an opportunity to discuss strategies to counter privatization and adequately resolve indebtedness and tax injustice.
The Education Financing Observatory is a multidimensional mechanism with a global reach and offers an unprecedented opportunity for civil society to generate and gather evidence-based insights and resources to effectively deliver transnational campaigns in response to the ongoing financing crises in education.
The observatory responds to the need to increase the availability and harmonization of quality data on both public and household spending, as well as the capacity to understand and use education budget data at all levels, from schools up to ministries and parliaments.
It is an initiative motivated entirely by the TES ACTION TRACK 5 and is formulated as a support for the new global compact on education financing.
The Education Financing Observatory aims to strengthen civil society participation in generating and sharing evidence-based information and insights from varying national, regional and international contexts in order to shed light on the current financing shifts in the global education landscape.
The establishment of the Education Financing Observatory (EFO) is GCE’s key contribution to the Transforming Education Summit towards the improved coordination and delivery of stronger transnational, regional and global education policy, advocacy and campaigns that inform inclusive allocation of resources in education.
Concrete initiative to launch during the session:
The Education Financing Observatory
Mr Refat Sabbah President of the Global Campaign for Education (GCE)
H.E. Mr. Jaime Percick. Minister of Education of Argentina.
Ms Helen Dabu UNESCO Collective Consultation of NGOs for Education 2030 / CCNGO Ed2030; Secretary-General, ASPBAE
Ms Anny Lin. GCE-US Student Fellow.
H.E. Mr Abdul Rahman Alasmi, Director-General, Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States (ABEGS)
Mr. Luis Eduardo Pérez Murcia GCE Policy & Research Manager
H.E. Ms Agnes Makonda Ridley, Minister of Education of Malawi
Mr Mugwena Maluleke (Moderator) GCE Vice Board Chair, Secretary General of SADTU, Vice-President for Africa of the Executive Board of Education International.