Take part in the One Billion Voices Photo-Story Competition and stand a chance to win one of 6 amazing photo cameras with lens and accessories!

Submission deadline: April 8, 2021 – 13.00 GMT.

Time to Speak Up!

It’s a year since schools first closed because of COVID- 19. In that year over 1 billion people’s education has been impacted around the world.

A central ambition of the #OneBillionVoicesForEducation campaign is to collate and elevate the stories of people whose education or that or their families and communities have been affected by COVID- 19. This Photo-Story competition is an opportunity to encourage people from around the world to DOCUMENT and SPEAK UP about the impact of COVID- 19 on education.

Are you one of the BILLION people whose education was affected by COVID- 19? Was your child’s education impacted ? Your nieces and nephew’s, your friends’, your grand-children’s, your neighbor’s, your students’? How did your community cope and organize?


Submit your photo-story, see it featured in the campaign and contribute to building a powerful unified voice to call for change!

How to Enter the Competition

This competition is free and open to all! Participants can enter multiple photo-stories in one or several of 6 categories:

First, find the right category for you:

  1. Africa
  2. Asia Pacific
  3. Europe and North America
  4. Latin America and the Caribbean
  5. Middle East
  6. Photo gallery
What to Submit

Under categories 1 to 5 participants must submit:

  • A single image taken in 2020 or 2021
  • A caption [Who, Where, When, What]
  • Copyright information
  • A short paragraph presenting the story (max 200 words)
  • consent form (if the subject of the image is a minor)

Under the “Photo gallery” category (no.6) participants must submit:

  • A one-page text or interview presenting the story told in the photographs
  • A photo story composed of 8 images
  • A caption for each picture [Who, Where, When, What]
  • Copyright information
  • A consent form for each image (if the subject of the image is a minor)

To Enter please fill out this Entry Form and submit it alongside your image(s) via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , by April 8, 2021 – 13.00 GMT

Judging, Winners’ announcement and Prizes

The Jury, composed of GCE Board members will select one winner per category. The prize for each winner is a D7500 20.9MP DSLR Digital Camera with 18-140mm VR Lens – and Essential Accessories Bundle worth USD 1,200.

REMEMBER! The jury will be looking for the following criteria:
  • The story presents an event or issue relevant to the theme i.e. the impact of COVID- 19 on education.
  • Visual creativity and Skills.
  • Inclusivity and non-discrimination.

Winner will be announcement on April 26, 2021 as part of the One Billion Voices Global Action Week for Education!

Read the One Billion Voices Photo-Story Competition Rules here.


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The Global Campaign for Education (GCE) is a civil society movement that aims to end exclusion in education. Education is a basic human right, and our mission is to make sure that governments act now to deliver the right of everyone to a free, quality, public education.