CLADE At The 2021 World Social Forum
CLADE at the 2021 World Social Forum, January 30, starting at 10:00 (GMT-3).
Download invitations: French, Portuguese, Spanish, English
Identify jointly, in a broad and diverse dialogue, the keys to the common struggle for the Human Right to Education, always in intersection with other rights, continuing the link and actions with other regions and actors. This is the objective of the self-managed assembly “Towards a Global Agenda: The Human Right to Education from the Movements”, which will take place on Saturday, January 30, from 10:00 to 12:00 (GMT-3) .
The assembly is organized by the Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education (CLADE), the Council of Popular Education of Latin America and the Caribbean (CEAAL), the Pressenza Agency, the Space without Borders Network, the Global March against Child Labor, the Global / Glocal Network for Educational Quality, the Popular Education Network among Women (REPEM), the World Organization for Preschool Education (Omep) and Fe y Alegría. The event will be broadcast on CLADE’s Facebook and Youtube pages. It will be held in Spanish and will have simultaneous translation for Portuguese, English and French.