Position أعضاء المجلس التنفيذي
Constituency International NGOs

Anthony Baker

Sr. Advisor for External Engagement – Education, World Vision International. With 18 years of experience, five in East Africa, Tony focuses on the right to education, research-to-action advocacy, and education development.

He is currently the Sr. Advisor for External Engagement in Education at World Vision International where he supports World Vision’s advocacy and engagement with multilaterals like the Global Partnership for Education, Education Cannot Wait, UNESCO, and global civil society networks. Prior to joining World Vision, Tony was the Associate Director for Global Education at RESULTS in Washington DC, where he developed the Right to Education Index, a global accountability initiative across 21 countries. Tony also served on the Board of Directors and various Board Committees of the Global Partnership for Education for six years. Before RESULTS, Tony worked with HakiElimu, an education and democracy rights civil society organization in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. He holds an MA in Sustainable Development with a concentration in Policy Analysis and Advocacy from the School for International Training.

الحملة العالمية للتعليم (GCE) هي حركة مجتمع مدني تهدف إلى إنهاء الإقصاء في التعليم. التعليم هو حق أساسي من حقوق الإنسان ، ومهمتنا هي التأكد من أن الحكومات تعمل الآن لإعطاء حق كل فرد في تعليم عام مجاني وذي جودة عالية.