Position Board Member
Constituency Youth and Student-Led Organisations

Ester Simon

Ester Simon is passionate about; Education, Communications for Development, Public Management and Policy, Access to Information for Empowerment, Community Development, and Social Justice. She served as Namibia National Students Organisation’s first female President since its inception in 1984, and All-African Students Union Constitutional Review Committee member.

In addition, she serves as the youngest Presidential Advisor on the High-Level Panel on the Namibian Economy to His Excellency President, Dr. Hage Gottfried Geingob, Executive Spokesperson, (Communication and Publicity officer) for the Southern African Students Union, which is a mother body for Student Unions and National Student Organisations within the Southern part of the continent, the SADC region.

Continentally, she is the Chairperson of the African Union Youth Club- Namibian Chapter and Country Representative to the AU- SARO. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in English and Literature, as well as an Honors degree in Communication from the University of Science and Technology and, is currently a Law student studying towards an LLB Honors at the University of Namibia

الحملة العالمية للتعليم (GCE) هي حركة مجتمع مدني تهدف إلى إنهاء الإقصاء في التعليم. التعليم هو حق أساسي من حقوق الإنسان ، ومهمتنا هي التأكد من أن الحكومات تعمل الآن لإعطاء حق كل فرد في تعليم عام مجاني وذي جودة عالية.