
The COVID-19 pandemic has left more than 1.5 billion students and youth across the world affected by school and university closures. Deepening people-to-people solidarity and forging collaborative initiatives are not only necessary but urgently required to defend and sustain progress made toward achieving Sustainable Development Goals and SDG4 in particular.


Generic #COVID19 #ProtectEducation

  • For messages related to the links between SDG4/ SDG3: #Education4Health
  • For messages linked to the right to education: #MyEducationMyRight
  • For messages linked to financing issues: #FundEducationNow
  • For messages linked to education for marginalised groups: #NoGoingBackwards
  • For messages linked to the role of GCE/ Civil society: #Together4Education
  • For messages linked to transformative education in relation to teachers: #ProtectMyTeacher

Social Media Handles for Tags

Twitter: @globaleducation

Facebook: @campaignforeducation

LinkedIn: @GlobalCampaignforEducation

Instagram: @campaignforeducation

Visual Assets and Links

GCE Joint Statement

GCE Press Release

GCE COVID-19 Dedicated web-page and communication platform

Visual Assets 

Key Messages

  1. #FundEducationNow Governments and donors must dedicate appropriate resources, financial and technical, to ensure the right to free, quality, inclusive public education for all during and after the #COVID19 crisis.
  2. #FundEducationNow Call on Governments and donors: Prioritise education and include education in all #COVID19 response policies and recovery plans.
  3. #ProtectEducation GCE calls on Governments to ensure the continuity of learning for all even those digitally excluded and organise a return to school FOR ALL, including those who are most disadvantaged and likely to be excluded or drop out.
  4. #Education4Health Governments must prioritise the health, well-being and safety of children, youth and teachers, recognising the mental and psychosocial toll of #COVID19 on the entire education system.
  5. #Together4Education During the #COVID19 crisis, governments should guarantee the continued provision of school services, including meal distribution, and ensure protection from violence and abuse to out-of-school children.
  6. #FundEducationNow Donors should commit to allocating at least 0.7 % of GNI in official development assistance (ODA) to support the #COVID19 crisis and ensure that aid is channeled to most needed sectors, including education.
  7. #FundEducationNow External debt payments of low-income countries to all creditors must urgently be cancelled to unlock funds in developing countries’ budgets to support their #COVID19 response efforts.
  8. #FundEducationNow Emergency aid should not put countries in higher risk of debt distress and ensure the path to recovery for much needed public services like education and health.
  9. #ProtectMyTeacher Governments and donors must uphold and increase national education budgets, public school funding, full support for teachers and education support professionals.
  10. #ProtectMyTeacher GCE calls for teachers to continue being at the centre of the #COVID19 education response, through their involvement in the design and development of emergency measures as well as distance learning materials and broadcasts.
  11. #ProtectMyTeacher Government should take steps to ensure that teachers are supported to teach in safe and protective environments when schools and universities reopen, with their wages and employment maintained throughout the crisis.
  12. #ProtectMyTeacher Ministries of education and finance should ensure the continued payment and benefits of teachers and school staff during the crisis.
  13. #NoGoingBackwards Governments should plan now for the safe reopening of schools and university systems with a focus on groups at higher risks of not returning, including girls and children with disabilities.
  14. #MyEducationMyRight Even in times of crisis, education must remain free for all and no additional fees should be introduced for school materials, lunch, or transport.
  15. #Together4Education The UN System should play its role in organising a global response to the #COVID19 crisis, including supporting mitigation measures, financing, social and economic re-organisation, in partnership with governments and civil society.
  16. #Together4Education The UN System should promote gender and rights sensitive crisis and post-crisis evaluation plans looking closely at the role that education plays during and after emergencies.
  17. #Together4Education Human Rights and the right to education should remain at the centre of all #COVID19 crisis response and recovery plans.
  18. No recovery without strong education and public services! Governments and international organisations should act now and work with civil society to ensure a sustainable recovery plan. #Together4Education
  19. #NoRecoveryWithoutHumanRights! All human rights and especially education should be the framework for all #COVID19 emergency responses plans. #MyEducationMyRight
  20. Let’s work together to ensure the #COVID19 crisis doesn’t stop progress towards the Agenda2030 and especially SDG4. #NoGoingBackwards
  21. #NoRecoveryWithoutIdeology! Let’s encourage sustainable solutions focusing on strengthened public services to build better resilience in health and public education systems after the #COVID19 crisis.
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The Global Campaign for Education (GCE) is a civil society movement that aims to end exclusion in education. Education is a basic human right, and our mission is to make sure that governments act now to deliver the right of everyone to a free, quality, public education.